Monday 22 December 2008

Johny Brown - just about the coolest guy in town!

The final blog of the year – not that I regularly write on the website, but here we go. Everybody, or nearly everybody who writes knows how hard it is to get published and find an agent, so I’ve been lucky in having a book published, God’s Lonely men, and another coming out very soon, An Unlikely Fooligan – and hopefully in a few months a work of fiction, Malayan Swing. I was also fortunate enough to be asked by Johny Brown to be a guest on his show, Resonance Radio FM 104; it went out on Friday the 19th of December between 11.30 to 1.30 am.
It was a good evening, Johny organised it so that some of my work was read out by an actress, Tilly and an actor Ben, and the engineer, John, asked me questions about my work and ideas that I have – Inga and Johny, as did everyone else, made me feel at home and relaxed – it was an enjoyable time, no doubt I spoke some nonsense, but it struck me that I hardly ever look at the work I’ve written with anyone, and hearing it read out was interesting for me – so, it was a top night with some good people – check him out, Johny Brown, a chap who remembers his punk background, has good ideas and means well – if there was more of them about 2009 would be a better time for us all boys and girls – Happy Christmas and have a good New Year.

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